On the Remembrance Day, don’t forget the heroes of Canada, including the Chinese-Canadian Force 136 during World War II. Thanks for @CAFinUS

Chinese Canadian members of Force 136
On the Remembrance Day, don't forget the heros of Canada, including the Chinese-Canadian Force 136 during World War II.
Thanks for @CAFinUS https://t.co/YlniLUOPBA
— 張無忌🇨🇦 (@Hanlongc) November 10, 2019
Force 136: Chinese Canadian Heroes. They were not only to fight for Canada, but also to help the Chinese community to finally be called Chinese-Canadians.
纪念136部队的加拿大華裔英雄。 他們不僅為加拿大而戰,而且還幫助華人社區最終被稱為華裔加拿大人。
自由從來不是免費的。今天平靜安享的,是昨天生命和流血換來的。在人類還沒普遍成熟的情況下,世界歷史的軌跡還會不斷反復,流血犧牲還會時有發生。 向捍衛自由與和平的加拿大戰士致敬。
Salute to the Canadian soldiers who defend freedom and peace.
String out the days, months, years.
Across Vimy, Normandy, the Kapyong Valley, Kandahar.String out the hours of the boy from Kingston.
String out the minutes of the girl from Antigonish.
Feel their seconds.See them, Canada.
Remember them.#LestWeForget | #RemembranceDay pic.twitter.com/w0eiNdO8mW— Canadian Forces in 🇺🇸 (@CAFinUS) November 5, 2019