Force 136: Chinese Canadian Heroes


On the Remembrance Day, don’t forget the heroes of Canada, including the Chinese-Canadian Force 136 during World War II. Thanks for @CAFinUS 

Chinese Canadian members of Force 136

Chinese Canadians of Force 136

Force 136: Chinese Canadian Heroes. They were not only to fight for Canada, but also to help the Chinese community to finally be called Chinese-Canadians.

纪念136部队的加拿大華裔英雄。 他們不僅為加拿大而戰,而且還幫助華人社區最終被稱為華裔加拿大人。

自由從來不是免費的。今天平靜安享的,是昨天生命和流血換來的。在人類還沒普遍成熟的情況下,世界歷史的軌跡還會不斷反復,流血犧牲還會時有發生。 向捍衛自由與和平的加拿大戰士致敬。

Salute to the Canadian soldiers who defend freedom and peace.

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