印象派 莫奈 盛放的李子树林 发表于2016-02-08由loongese Title: Flowering Plum Trees Object type:Painting Date:1879 Medium: oil on canvas Dimensions: Height: 643 mm (25.31 in). Width: 810 mm (31.89 in). Current location:Museum of Fine Arts (Budapest) 5/5 - (1 vote) You may also like 唐-寒山-自述诗 五个最好的免费在线图库 解放軍佔領上海 英国-约翰·阿特金森·格里姆肖-克莱德码头 Shô and the water dragons 唐-怀素-苦笋帖 明-唐寅-东篱赏菊图 宋徽宗-文会图 分享到:文章更多RedditTelegramThreadsWhatsAppBluesky 相关 This work by loongese is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International