印象派 莫奈 静物·花和水果 发表于2016-02-08由loongese Artist: Claude Monet (1840–1926) Title: Still Life with Flowers and Fruit Object type: Painting Date: 1869 Medium: oil on canvas Dimensions: Height: 1,003 mm (39.49 in). Width: 813 mm (32.01 in). Current location: The J. Paul Getty Museum 5/5 - (1 vote) You may also like 画意寄闲情:十竹斋笺谱 解放軍佔領上海 大观园平面图 Loongese Opening Day 唐-张萱-虢国夫人游春图(宋摹) 唐-怀素-苦笋帖 Children’s thrill 莫奈的画 分享到:文章更多RedditTelegramThreadsWhatsAppBluesky 相关 This work by loongese is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International