本来无一物,何处惹尘埃?-六祖慧能 发表于2015-11-27由loongese 菩提本無樹, Bodhi is originally without any tree; 明鏡亦非臺。 The bright mirror is also not a stand. 本來無一物, Originally there is not a single thing 何處惹塵埃。 Where could any dust be attracted? You may also like 后印象派 荷兰 梵高 瓶中的十二朵向日葵 MACD背离与波浪理论的实战结合 中华民族的起源与解构 共产党是披着个左派马甲的极右翼反人类恐怖组织 深秋的哈佛 名城采风 “上帝”与“天”崇拜是中国传统文化最高之魂 普洱茶六大茶山 分享到:文章更多RedditTelegramThreadsWhatsAppBluesky 相关 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International